SEO in the Most Conducive Ways Now

SEO in the Most Conducive Ways Now

Google is getting better at recognizing what is shown on photos, it’s best to lend a hand. Make sure you have the correct keywords in the name with which you save your images and in the alt texts. ‘Alt’ stands for an alternative. With SEO SEO 課程 you can find the best choices available now.

Especially in the early days of the internet, these texts were essential, because they showed what was on the images before they were loaded. But alt texts are still used by, for example, the visually impaired or when images are blocked. And they are also read by Google to deduce what is on the image. Make it easy for Google and always add a clear file name, description and alternative text to your images.

Provide nice URLs

You still come across a website that contains ugly URLs. URLs with codes, question marks and other information that is difficult to fathom are incorporated. Not beautiful and not clear. Not for people and not for Google. If possible, provide short and simple URLs that people can type about in a manner of speaking. Strip the URL of all unnecessary words and only mention the keyword including 1 or 2 other words.

Pay special attention to the title

SEO 課程

In addition to URLs, it is better to also provide pleasant titles. In fact, a good title is one of the most important SEO tips I want to give you. A title with the right keywords not only attracts search engines. A well-written title also seduces people. A title must stand out among those other titles on the Google search results page. For example, take a look at these tips to write better SEO titles:

  • Use dates the most important SEO tips from 2020 to make your titles look up to date.
  • You can also use numbers to make them stand out more.
  • And you can use Magic Words that form a back door to the human brain. Well-known magic words are Free, New and Discover.
  • A step-by-step plan, manual or guide is also attractive for people looking for a solution to a specific problem.
  • Make sure your title intrigues, makes you curious.

Finally, a final tip for a better SEO title: make it a smooth-running sentence instead of a concatenation of keywords.

Example of this SEO tip

You can use numbers, a year, magic words, symbols or other tricks to really make your title stand out. Use them for both customers and own websites.

Seduce your visitors with the Meta description

In addition to the title, you also have the description of your page the so-called meta description at your disposal to seduce you. The Meta description is the first piece of ‘content’ of your website that people see when they are presented with the search results page. Not taking advantage of this is a missed opportunity.

In your Meta description, you have a little more space to attract visitors to your page. Here too you can use Magic Words. Don’t forget to mention the keywords again in the Meta description and give a call-to-action. Together, the title and description of your page are the best SEO writing tips. If there is something that has a lot of impact on your SEO, then these are the two.