Use aloe gel to hydrate the skin and decrease blood pressure

Use aloe gel to hydrate the skin and decrease blood pressure

For hundreds of years, human beings use the aloe gel which is extracted from aloe leaves, it is useful for the process of softening and healing process of skin diseases and wounds. For many problems like skin illnesses and constipation, aloe gel is used since the ancient period, some researches reveal that using alovea may cause tumor in lab animals. There are nothing foods that contain aloe vera so people have to use the aloe as gel or supplement, some forms of aloe are very safer to take than others.

Uses of aloe vera products:


Some of the researches state that our ancient people use aloe as a skin treatment for some specific circumstances. Studies declare that aloe gel may be used for treating dandruff problems, skin problems, and minor burns and it is also useful for the injuries caused by radiation. The problems of men like genital herpes also can be reduced by aloe vera gel.

The aloe juice taken through mouth made by latex is also one of the powerful purges, but once aloe juice is sold as a constipation capsule. The aloe gel taken through the mouth helps the diabetes patients to control their sugar level.

Level of aloe vera:

Gels and creams contain aloe vera may differ in dose, the creams for minor burns may contain 0.5% of aloe but the aloe used in the medicines for psoriasis is 70%, aloe has no set dose to take through the mouth. For constipation, the level of aloe maybe 100-200 milligrams taken daily. Overuse of aloe is dangerous, consult your doctor before taking the aloe medicine.

Risks of having aloe products:

Many researchers warned the people who use aloe regularly, but if the aloe product you use is without aloin, then it will be ok to take because aloin is the reason for cancer in rats, aloin is used as the cream for suntan, and aloin is taken from between the outside leaf of the aloe plant and slushy paraphernalia inside.

Don’t apply the aloe gel in the deep wound or major burns. Those who are sensitive to use tulips, onions, or garlic also may feel allergic to use aloe, people who have diabetes, kidney diseases, and heart problems are not recommended to take aloe orally.

There are some side effects caused by aloe like, using topical gel causes you skin irritation, the cramping and laxative may be caused by aloe when you take it orally, when you take aloe orally for a long time it may cause an imbalanced electrolyte in your blood. It also makes difficulties in colonoscopy so you can’t visualize the colon correctly, so don’t take aloe for a month when you are going to have a colonoscopy. And be aware that the aloe you take orally don’t contain any aloin.

If you are taking any drug regularly then you must consult your doctor before you take the aloe orally and use other aloe supplements, it may be a diabetes drug or a drug for heart disease or steroids. As there is no evidence for the good and bad of aloe vera, but children and pregnant women should not take aloe vera supplements regularly.