Best Products You Can Go for Now

Best Products You Can Go for Now

We wrote the full name of the business on Google since several verifications can be made. The first is that the first link has an https address. That is, as we mentioned above, it is a safe place.

Check if the company is present in social networks and its number of followers. It is not that the number is decisive, but a company that has very few fans can be an indication that there is something suspicious.

Are there photos of the physical premises or office? Not only uploaded by the business, but also by users. You can go to the top products and come up with the best options for the same now.

Do you have a high positive grade point average? How many ratings do you receive? That is, if you have many valuations, the possibility that they are fictitious is reduced. The higher the number of ratings is, the more real the final average is.

Finally, do you have a physical address?

There must not necessarily be one. Having a phone number to call or online attention, if you continue with doubts, also gives more confidence.

top products

Keep your computer and mobile phone secure and up to date

A card or a bank or Paypal account information is a window to acquire many things, but if this information falls into inappropriate hands it can be very dangerous. Therefore, it is important that you have a good antivirus to prevent your computer or phone from being infected and can steal the information you use to make online purchases. In addition to having a good antivirus, it is also recommended that you update your computer or phone. Both the cell phone and the notebook will ask for updates quite often. Do not hesitate, do them! Yes, it is a bore, but it is better to lose a few minutes than to lose money.

Review card movements

While you have to take as many precautions as possible, it may happen that your card information is stolen anyway. And not necessarily online. Therefore, you should always check the movements of the same regularly to identify if there are purchases that were not made by you and that may be the product of data theft.

Verify links in emails and announcements

Finally, the last of the tips is to buy online. Offers of all kinds arrive in the mail every day. Is the offer too good to be real? Dates such as Hot Sale, Cyber ​​Monday, Black Friday, dates close to Christmas and celebrations such as Mother’s and Father’s Day are ideal for ad campaigns, emails with offers and large misleading discounts and are widely used by cybercriminals. This type of deception is called phishing. To avoid phishing, we advise you not to open any email with “unmissable offers” without knowing who sent it. One way to do this is to go to the sender bar (person who sends the mail) and click on the little arrow for more details.

  • The Internet has changed the world, and as part of that world, electronic commerce is taking flight. In the last 15 years, the number of users who buy any type of product over the Internet has increased considerably. According to an English study done by RetailMeNot on global electronic commerce, in 2015 we spent an average of € 665 per year in 2015. Therefore, there are many users who are looking for security when shopping online.

That is a lot of money per person floating on the net, but with everything and with that, there are many people who still do not trust this method of purchase, because in most websites they ask for personal information that people doubt whether to provide or not. For all these reasons, we have thought about sharing with you some tips to buy online safely.