Greater Choices for the Use of the Utensil Parts

Greater Choices for the Use of the Utensil Parts

To use any of our cookware parts, whether they are pots, pans or stoves made of stainless steel, it is better to follow a series of tips if we want them to retain their appearance and their property origin after prolonged use. Using Sponge Cloths is important there.

First Use

Although parts are cleaned at the factory before being packaged, it is important to carry out a first cleaning of the cookware before first use. First, the pieces will have to pass through different hands before arriving in your kitchen, and in addition, it will remove stickers and glue residues that leave them stuck to the utensil. Adhesives often contain chlorides that could cause rust from the first bake. Therefore, it is essential to carry out a first washing of the parts until they are completely free of any trace of dirt.

Posterior Cleaning

After using the utensils, wash the surfaces with neutral type water and soap until the dirt is removed. Use cloths and sponges that do not scratch the stainless part. Never use a carbon steel tool as friction against stainless steel could lead to contamination of the steel with iron particles showing rust spots. Never forget to rinse well with water after any cleaning operation and dry surfaces to remove chemicals from the water.

Steps to ensure the effectiveness of handwashing

We all did it: finish loading the dishwasher to go right back to the sink and clean things that do not go in the dishwasher. As your kitchen kit becomes more diversified the number of specialty tools increases and it also requires special cleaning which means a little more of your precious time. We have created this list of utensils that we consider most common in the kitchen and for which you often hesitate to put them or not in the dishwasher, with some tips to know whether or not you can put them in the machine with the others and save you time and effort.


Sponge Cloths

Very simple this time, place it on the bottom compartment of the dishwasher in a plate slot where the water can reach it completely, this should clean any juice, flesh or seed.

Garlic press

Regarding the garlic press, it is important to always make sure that water and detergent can reach and pass through the small holes. The best way to be sure is to place it in the cutlery drawer with both ends of the garlic press in a different section. In this way, even if the cutlery bangs during washing, the garlic press will not close and will be properly garlic removed.

Potato masher

The uncomfortable form of the potato masher and the starch-rich food that sticks to it make this utensil difficult to place in a dishwasher. The best solution is to lower the top drawer of the dishwasher one step, if possible, and place the flat surface of the potato masher down in the compartment. This will allow water and dishwashing liquid to reach all nooks, but also make sure to position it so that it does not fall or slip into the compartment and does not come into contact with the propellers.