How to Unblock Blocked Drains in Maidstone

How to Unblock Blocked Drains in Maidstone

It can be a debilitating problem when blocked drains occur, especially in the Maidstone area. A blocked drain can create long-lasting issues, and can be extremely messy if not treated correctly. In order to exit this troublesome situation, here are some tips on how to unblock blocked drains “blocked drains maidstone ”.

blocked drains maidstone

Start with a Drain Cleaner

One of the best methods for clearing blocked drains is to start with an all-purpose cleaner or a specialised drain cleaner. All-purpose cleaners should be suitable for general blockages, while stronger versions are available for more serious obstructions. Make sure to read the instructions before you use it, as these products contain strong chemicals and they must be used carefully. After pouring the cleaner down the drain, allow at least 15 minutes for it to work its magic, before you proceed to the next step.

Use Household Items

If using drain cleaner doesn’t do the trick, then it may be time to try some household items to help unclog your blocked drains. Common household items such as baking soda and vinegar, salt and boiling water can be great for breaking up any clogs that might be present. Simply mix together a tablespoon of baking soda and a cup of vinegar, pour the mixture down the drain and cover it with a cloth or towel. Allow the mixture to sit for several hours before flushing with cold water. Salt and boiling water works well too. Boil several litres of water and stir in 1/2 cup of salt. Then slowly pour the solution down the drain.

Snake the Pipe

If the above two techniques didn’t do the job, it could be time to snake the pipe. This option is best left to the professionals, as it involves professionally snaking the pipes to break up any debris that could be causing the blockage. Professional plumbers know exactly how to safely snake the pipes and clear out any blockages that might be present.

Chemical Cleaners

If you’re dealing with a stubborn clog, you may want to consider using a chemical cleaner. These products come in both liquid and gel form, and are designed to break down tough clogs. This type of product should only be used as a last resort, however, as it can be corrosive to certain materials. Before using any chemical cleaners, make sure to read the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

Call for Professional Help

In some cases, a blocked drain can be too hard for even the most experienced do-it-yourselfer. If you’re having trouble removing a stubborn clog, it may be best to call a professional plumber. They have the tools and experience to identify the cause of the blockage and provide a solution. Whether it’s snaking the pipe or using a chemical cleaner, a professional plumber will be able to quickly and effectively remove the clog so you can get back to normal.

Dealing with blocked drains in the Maidstone area can be a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With these tips, you can take care of the problem yourself or call in a professional plumber for help. Either way, you can soon be free from the nuisance of blocked drains!